The Operatic Mermaid Duo
Bubbles and Buoy

Bubbles and Buoy are two opera singing mermaids! They are the mersonas of Samantha Nahra and Rachel Sigman, and have been singing their siren songs since the summer of 2022. Captain Kat, also known as Kat Bowman steers their good ship imagination, and accompanies them on both piano and the accordion. In 2023 they started performing their educational, family friendly show “Mermaid Melodies” with Opera on Tap NYC, Redivivus Opera and Cunningham Piano. They are current NYC DOT Public Realm Programming Partners for 2024-2026 and have performed with Loisaida Open Streets and Montague Street BID.
Follow us on Instragram @bubblesandbuoy to keep up with our adventures!
For business queries please email:

Tails of Water:
A Book of Illustrated MerCreature Poetry
Tails of Water is an illustrated book of mercreature poetry that goes through the alphabet.
The book contains 26 poems that are inspired by mercreatures from around the world by published poet, Samantha Nahra with accompanying drawings to each poem by artist, Rachel Sigman.
The text of all poems is printed in Open Dyslexic Font.