Artist Statement
Career Highlights
I am a dramatic singer who will not be pigeonholed. I am a Zwischenfach, which Richard Miller explains in his National Schools of Singing: English, French, German and Italian Techniques of Singing Revisited is a type of soprano voice. This voice type lies between the soprano and mezzo-soprano ranges and is used for dramatic roles with a specific tessitura. Roles that fit this fach and me include Ariadne, Donna Elvira, Eboli, and Ortrud.
As part of my mission to not be compartmentalized, I have recently gone public about my experiences and struggles as a dyslexic opera singer. One example of this is by posting about dyslexia on my Instagram for what I fondly like to call #DyslexicThursdays. In these posts I aim to educate others on what dyslexia is, give music learning tips, and to show my fellow dyslexics they are not alone. I recently had the honor of being featured in the fall issue of Classical Singer Magazine, "Making a Difference: Samantha Nahra, Dyslexia, and Music Learning," where I was interviewed by Alec Arnett.
I firmly believe that new music is the future of opera. In fact, I am so vehement about it that during the time of COVID I have become a librettist! So far I have written two YouTube operas: A Dramatic Soprano Tries Cooking…The Opera and it’s sequel, A Dramatic Soprano Tries Cooking Again…The Opera, which were composed by fellow dyslexic Philip Wharton. These operas can be found on my YouTube channel and on Opera on Tap’s YouTube channel, where they have had their company premieres. In 2022 Opera on Tap commissioned me to write the poem “The Divergent Night” which they had set to music by Obie-awarding-winning composer, Diedre Murray.
Roles sung: Third Norn from Götterdämmerung, Donna Anna in Don Giovanni, Laetitia in The Old Maid and the Thief, Miceala in La tragedies de Carmen, Suor Dolcina in Suor Angelica and Bianca in La Rondine
Cover for the role of Arinyae in Theodore Christman's new opera, A Metamorphosis
Principal Artist for UVAA's Dramatic Voices 2018, 2019
Performed in Salt Lake City's Assembly Hall in Temple Square
Sang in Scenic Opera's inaugural performance in 2021
Founding member of Columbia Operatic Laboratory
Teaching Artist with Playground Opera
4th Place - American International Music Competition
Special Mention - Birmingham International Music Competition
Special Mention - Medici International Music Competition
Semi-finalist - SAS Performing Arts Company, Inc. Competition
Finalist - Elaine Malbin and Mario Lanza Competition
Honorable Mention - NJS International Vocal Competition
Finalist - Debbie Voigt Death by Aria Competition
Encouragement Grant - Heafner/William Vocal Competition
NOTE Award - LAGRange Symphony Orchestra Young Artists Competition
Biographical Info
Born in Cedar Rapids, IA on November 19th
Holds degrees in Voice and Opera Theatre from Oberlin Conservatory of Music, University of South Carolina, and Mannes, The New School
Has performed with Oberlin in Italy, Operaworks, CoOPERAtive, Sherrill MIlnes VOICE Studio, Chiavi di Bel Canto, IVAI, UVAA and NYDV
Currently lives in Coney Island
Married to Philip Zion
Mother to two cats, Toku and Knucklehead
Creator of Sam Tries... on YouTube, which was partnered with Opera on Tap from 2021-2022
Buoy of Bubbles and Buoy, the operatic mermaid duo
Retired Renaissance Faire children's entertainer
Avid Dungeons and Dragon player
A gamer of World of Warcraft
Currently trying to learn how to play the bodhran
Maker of things mostly out of recycled materials at BottledUpbySam